BASES welcomes new Division Chairs
5th September 2024
Following open recruitment over the summer, congratulations are extended to two new Division Chairs who has been appointed by the Human Resources, Remuneration and Appointments Committee, and ratified by the Board. Dr Daniel Bailey FBASES (Division of Physical Activity for Health) and Dr Alan Ruddock FBASES (Division of Physiology and Nutrition) Amy Whitehead will both take up post with effect from 20 November 2024, and their appointments will be noted at the AGM in November.
Division of Physical Activity for Health Chair:
Dr Daniel Bailey FBASES, Brunel University London

Division of Physiology and Nutrition Chair:
Dr Alan Ruddock FBASES, Sheffield Hallam University

Commenting on his appointment, Dan said: ”I am excited with the appointment and am looking forward to taking over as Chair from November. This appointment is a natural progression after serving as Membership Rep (2018-2021) and Deputy Chair (2021-present) for the Division. I have a clear understanding of how the Division operates and I work effectively with the Division’s committee. Key priorities for the Division over the new Strategy include (i) promoting the importance and practice of physical activity in public health and healthcare systems to improve health in individuals and communities; (ii) supporting education and CPD to meet the demand for high quality sport and exercise science practitioners working in the sector, and (iii) development of effective mechanisms to address inequalities in physical activity and health across society. I am also keen to see the Association effectively implement its new Royal Charter for BASES, including its incorporation to CASES.”
Commenting on his appointment, Alan said: ”I am honoured with the appointment and am looking forward to the challenges ahead. In this role, I will steer a development plan for the Division, taking into account challenges to the HE sector, where members emerge, and take advantages of the convergence of disruptive technologies (AI, robotics, social inequalities, food and agriculture, transportation, climate and sustainable environments) that will shape our future. The Division held several positive coffee morning events when I was CPD Rep, the success of which was built on the development of a community through informal events. I will encourage the development of these informal events within the Division to attract students and a wider body to our Division. I will work hard to ensure that we have diverse representation in key positions within the Division and within membership of the Division.”
Both Dan and Alan will become Directors of the Association and will have a Board Induction in October, before attending the November 2024 Board meeting as an Observer. Dan and Alan will then take up their roles following the AGM this November. The Board thanks both Prof Kiara Lewis FBASES (Division of Physical Activity for Health) and Dr Lindsay Bottoms FBASES (Division of Physiology and Nutrition) for their service and hard work for the Association over their tenures.