Coming Soon! BASES Guide to Careers in Sport and Exercise Science

16th May 2024

We are pleased to announce that we are updating the BASES Guide to Careers in Sport and Exercise Science; an informative and highly popular resource that provides valuable and up-to-date guidance about study options and career pathways in sport and exercise science in a professional, modern and easy to read format. The primary audiences for the BASES career guide are sixth form, college and undergraduate students.

The 2024 version will be issued this autumn and will be available in print and a downloadable PDF electronic document on the BASES website. Members can access the version that will include 18 professional job profiles.


BASES stands for the British Association of Sport and Exercise Sciences. BASES is the professional body for sport and exercise sciences in the UK.

Contact us
  • Rooms G07 and G08 Fairfax Hall, Leeds Beckett University, Headingley Campus. Headingley, Leeds LS6 3QT
  • 07838 153258