Biomechanics and Motor Behaviour Division

Biomechanics and Motor Behaviour is a title that encompasses the area of science concerned with the analysis of the mechanics of human movement. In other words, it is the science of explaining how and why the human body moves in the way that it does. 

The BASES Division of Biomechanics and Motor Behaviour aims to develop a network of sport and exercise scientists studying or working within these discipline areas and represent their interests by organising CPD and networking events; and developing and sharing useful resources.

If you are a BASES member, check out the Biomechanics and Motor Behaviour Division Hub in the Members' Area, where you can access a range of resources including videos and presentations from the BASES Conference and Division events.

Meet the Biomechanics and Motor Behaviour Division Committee

Dr Andrew Mitchell FBASES

Prof Athanassios Bissas
Deputy Chair

Dr Theodoros Bampouras
Membership Representative

Rachel Mason
CPD Representative

Julia Suchanecka
Student Representative (UG)

Diana Soares
Student Representative (PG)

Dr Romanda Dillon
Co-opted Member

Dr Lauren Forsyth
Co-opted Member

Contact the Division

If you wish to contact a member of the Biomechanics and Motor Behaviour Division Committee, contact details can be found within the Division Hub pages in the Members' Area.

What Do Biomechanists Do?

The following are the some examples of the areas where Biomechanics is applied to either support performers or solve issues in sport or exercise:

  • The identification of the optimal technique for enhancing sports performance
  • The analysis of body loading to determine the safest method for performing a particular sport or exercise task
  • The assessment of muscular recruitment and loading
  • The analysis of sport and exercise equipment e.g., shoes, surfaces and racquets.

Biomechanists are generally involved in attempting to either enhance performance or reduce the injury risk in the sport and exercise tasks examined.

Biomechanics Related Links

American Society of Biomechanics

Society information, details of conferences etc. and links to other biomechanics related sites. No specific sport and exercise section.

Australian and New Zealand Society of Biomechanics
Society information, details of conferences, members contact details etc. and links to other biomechanics related sites. No specific sport and exercise section.

Biomechanics World Wide
Biomechanics World Wide is designed to assist individuals in their search for information on the broad topic of biomechanics. Acts as a biomechanics search engine and listing of a wide range of biomechanics related sites. Has a section for sport and exercise.

European Society of Biomechanics

Society information, details of conferences etc. and links to other biomechanics related sites. No specific sport and exercise section.

Gait and Clinical Movement Analysis Society
This society is devoted to the quantitative analysis of gait and other human movement, with particular emphasis on analyses with clinical applications. Individuals who are new to this field, or who are interested in learning more about movement analysis may want to examine some basic information documents that have been contributed. The homepage serves as a point for dissemination of a variety of information that is relevant to biomechanics.

International Society of Biomechanics
Details of member services, conferences and special interest/technical groups. Excellent links to sites to download biomechanical applications and data sets.

International Sports Engineering Association
Useful site for those interested in engineering and design related issues in sport and exercise. Much of the site requires password entry details of which are available from the home page.

The home site for the Sport Science discussion group hosted by Will Hopkins. Not biomechanics specific, but contains some general interesting and topical sport science discussions with occasional biomechanics issues.

Research Group in Breast Health
Pioneering independent scientific research to broaden understanding, inform product development and raise awareness of breast science and breast health.

TandF Biomechanics Journal

Biomechanics Related Journals

Biomechanics Education - Biology and Health Resources

The Drake Foundation (, a not-for-profit organisation committed to improving understanding of concussion injuries in sport, based on scientific research and collaboration. View their webpage for useful educational resources such as journals. - A comprehensive site about kids health covering feelings, safety, illnesses and injuries, how the body works, the growing body and mind, health problems and other equally important topics. - A short and sweet compilation of the eleven organ systems in the human body with links to sites devoted to exploring each one further. - An interactive biology page for kids with tutorials, interesting sites, games, and quizzes in a number of biology topics ranging from neurobiology to human anatomy. - High School Biology homework help and topics ranging from zoology, botany, microbiology, genetics, evolution, etc. - A page dedicated towards biology lab help that feature many resources for homework help, tips, and online tutoring. This site Online PhD UK will provide you the general information you seek with regard to thePhD programs in the UK universities, the process involved in applying for and completing the programs, the different kinds of PhDs, and what funding is available.,
Free advice and related resources about PhDs around the world.'s a great overview of the immune system. (It covers the basics like the Lymph nodes, spleen, bone marrow and more!)


BASES stands for the British Association of Sport and Exercise Sciences. BASES is the professional body for sport and exercise sciences in the UK.

Contact us
  • Rooms G07 and G08 Fairfax Hall, Leeds Beckett University, Headingley Campus. Headingley, Leeds LS6 3QT
  • 07838 153258