Conference FAQs

How do I get the most from the Conference?
You could just sit back and listen to everyone else, in which case you would certainly learn a fair amount. However, if you chose to do a presentation, you might be nervous beforehand, but you will gain a great sense of achievement for having done it. You will also gain much more if you ask questions, make an effort to speak to people you do not know, approach the keynote speakers, and engage throughout the two days. The conference environment is always friendly and supportive so it is easy to do this.
Who goes to the conference?
Most of the people who attend (delegates) are either undergraduate or postgraduate students studying a discipline related to sport and exercise science, health, physiotherapy and sports therapy. There are also always a number of speakers who may be either Lecturers or Professors from academic institutions or sport and exercise scientists working in applied settings. Representatives from the committees within BASES also attend. A number of other academics attend, either independently or to support their students. Last year there were approximately 300 delegates.
What do you do during the Conference?
The specifics of the day are shown in the conference programme but normally during the day you might:
Attend the opening of the Conference and an introductory lecture
Nearly all delegates will attend this.
Attend an oral presentation session
Oral presentations are made by the delegates in sessions of 4-6 presentations, normally chaired by an expert in the field. The presentations are grouped according to content, so for example, you might attend a session on sport performance, during which all the presentations have some sort of sport performance focus. Each presenter is given 10 minutes to talk about their work, followed by five minutes to take questions from the audience. There will also be places for postgraduates to present and receive feedback on their research proposals.
Attend a poster presentation session
A poster session allows a delegate to display a poster of his or her work, whilst being present to answer any questions that the other delegates may have. The session will last approximately an hour, and as a presenter you are expected to stand next to your poster during that time.
Have lunch
One of the main focuses of any conference is to bring lots of people together who have a shared interest, so that they may discuss, share ideas and learn from each other. Lunch time provides a relaxed opportunity to meet other delegates and the keynote speakers.
Attend keynote lectures
Keynote lectures are delivered by experts in their field. The lecture will have a theme, and the speaker will use his or her knowledge and experience to present work and discuss issues on this theme.
Attend other sessions
Other sessions might include workshops, seminars, questions and answer sessions. These are all different formats for sharing ideas and listening to people who have some experience and expertise in a certain field.
Attend the Conference dinner/evening function
As with the lunch, this is an opportunity to chat with fellow delegates, have a drink and enjoy yourself.
What should I wear?
If you are presenting, then you want to look relatively smart and professional. Some presenters wear suits. Delegates that are not presenting might wear slightly less formal clothes, but you should still present yourself in a professional way. There will be a meal in the evening and typically some entertainment, so smart casual dress would be appropriate.
When do I need to send in my abstract and registration forms?
All dates, deadlines and guidelines are on the BASES website:
Deadline dates must be met, especially for abstract submission, so try not to leave it to the last minute.
How do I pay?
Details can be found on the Student Conference page of BASES website:
How do I prepare an abstract?
All the information for preparing your abstract can be found by following links on the BASES Student Conference page:
Please read these carefully as your abstract must fulfill the BASES abstract requirements, with regard to both content and formatting.
How do I prepare for an oral or poster presentation?
Details can be found at:
If you are doing an oral presentation you will need to bring the presentation on a PowerPoint file on a memory stick. If you are doing a poster presentation, then remember that most printers take at least a week to print these, so be prepared.
Should I attend both days or just the day that I am presenting?
To get the most from the Conference, you would be best to attend both days if you can. The content on each day will be different, so if you really can only attend one day, either attend the day you are presenting, or if you are not presenting, pick the day with the programme content which is of most interest to you. Most delegates will attend on both days. There is a saving on the delegate fees by attending both days and it is a great opportunity to socialise with other sport and exercise scientists.
What do I do if I have paid, but can no longer attend?
There will be no refunds, once payment is made.
I am not a BASES member, but would like to join and pay members fees for the Conference. Can I do this?
If you fulfill the criteria for student membership, then there is a special inclusive membership rate for the Conference. You will need to join BASES online first and then complete your conference registration form to take advantage of this offer. Member benefits are listed here /Benefits
Is there anything to pay on top of the day delegate fee?
There are different delegate packages to include accommodation.
What happens after I have submitted my abstract?
You should receive an abstract receipt confirmation within 2 business days of submitting. Feedback will be provided (see below) following the closing dates for abstract submission.
Who do I contact about abstract submission?
The Conference Organiser, details at
Q. What if I want to change my abstract submission?
Contact the Conference Organiser as above.
Q. What if I want to withdraw my abstract submission?
Contact the Conference Organiser:
When will I receive feedback on my abstract?
Once the closing date for abstract submission has passed, the reviewing committee will provide a decision (accept or reject) and feedback on all submitted abstracts, including mode of presentation (poster or oral).
How are the presentations judged?
A judging committee composing of experts will judge the presentations according to published criteria.
Who do I contact if I have any questions?
We hope that you will find most of the information you are looking for on this website and/or within the links to the host institution website. However, if you have any queries at all, please don’t hesitate to contact us using the dedicated conference e-mail.